Focus Fox

Transform Your Life with Focus Fox

Achieve Work-Life Harmony and Stress-Free Scheduling

Focus Fox

Your lifeline, seamlessly connecting WhatsApp and Google Calendar.

It revolutionizes your scheduling,
enabling you to strike the perfect balance between your career and family life.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly link WhatsApp and Google Calendar for hassle-free scheduling, anytime, anywhere.

Smart Automation

Let Focus Fox handle event creation, so you can focus on what truly matters – your family and career.

Work-Life Balance

Find that work-life sweet spot—be there for family, rock your career. 🌟

How Focus Fox Works?

Send a WhatsApp message as usual.

Focus Fox extracts the details and confirms with you.

Your event is automatically created in Google Calendar, ensuring you never miss important family moments.

Be Part of Our Beta Program!

Join our beta program and shape the future of Focus Fox. Embrace work-life harmony.

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